Sunday, October 11, 2009


What do you get when you cross Fire Safety Week and a husband that left on a 4 day fishing trip?
Frazzled nerves, sore knees and a vow to be very kind to my husband when he returns.
If you know Emily, you know that sometimes her engine gets stuck and it's really hard to get her back on track. This week was Fire Safety Week at school. Every day this week, she came home with new information on fire safety. Then the weekend arrived, Scott left for an extended fishing trip and I found myself flying solo as a parent for 4 days.
Shortly after arriving home from school Friday, Emily began sharing her fire safety knowledge...and sharing...and sharing. This morning she woke in a panic b/c our family had not devised a fire plan. I made a brief attempt at protesting, but to no avail. Before I knew it, the 3 of us were crawling through the house, looking for the nearest exit.
I was becoming very frazzled by this afternoon. I began to doubt my ability to make it through the rest of the weekend. Then we watched a Supernanny marathon. I began to feel smug at how well I raise my kids until I found myself snapping at them for squirming on the couch.
The Fire Safety Lessons continued until about an hour ago, when I tucked Emily into bed and I said a small prayer that we would never need all those lessons.
Meanwhile, I sit and wait for Scott to return so I can treat him with a little more kindness. The lesson I learned this weekend was Never Take a Spouse For Granted.
And always test the door for heat by using the back of your hand.


Anonymous said...

I really think you could write a very humorous book. Moms everywhere would love it. Donna

Jin said...

Excellent lessons. From both you AND Emily.

By the way, you are one of those 'funny people' - you always make me laugh!

cancerwarriormom said...

My kids loved to practice STOP, DROP and ROLL over and over and over.

Anonymous said...

I remember one of the moms from our Girl Scout troop telling me that her daughter slept with a baseball bat after we had the fire department come to one of our meetings when the girls were in first grade. They had talked to the girls about how to break a window in an emergency.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you made it through Megan without having to do all that! I think I've gone through the fire-safety-week-induced-panic with ALL of them - more than once!

Linda said...

I'm so glad you are back! I love your stories. It always cracks me up when one of the boys will start a sentence with "did you know" and it will be something anyone would know but they seem kind of surprised that I already knew.

Anonymous said...

What's with the rabbit?