Monday, January 19, 2009

Parenting 101

Congratulations to my sister Linda for starting her own blog!
Over the holidays, I bragged to Linda about how rarely we get sick in our house and when we do get sick, we never pass it on to one another. In other words, never in the history of the Peters household has there been more than 1 sick person at a time. I must have forgotten to knock on wood! Last Friday the stomach bug hit our household and 3/4 of us were very sick!!! Can you guess who has the strongest immune system and the biggest handwashing obsession??? ME! (Ok, I'm knocking on wood right now so I won't wake up tonight and find myself sick). Thursday night, after the girls went to bed, I was reading one of my favorite blogs Mrs. Dirnberger. Her blog is upbeat and fun. She was talking about how badly she wants children. She would gladly take the long nights, the postbaby body, all the stuff that goes with parenting. As I am reading it, I hear THE COUGH come from Emily's room. I immediately go into PARENTING DENIAL. See, our kids have a unique system for letting us know they are about to puke. They have a certain cough that comes about 10 seconds before it hits. So denial kicks in. That is NOT the pre-puke was just a cough...then I hear it...there's no denying the sound of a puke. Now, I have to stop right here and tell you I have been a parent for 10 1/2 years and I have NEVER in all that time seen vomit like this. It was the most violent and graphic act of vomiting I have ever seen. I screamed OMG, how many fish sticks did you feed this child for supper!!! Scott swears she had 8 so I must tell every parent out there an unknown fact. FISHSTICKS REPRODUCE AFTER CONSUMPTION. There were at least 54 fishsticks laying in a pile. But there were also fishsticks on the wall, on the floor, in her hair. I took her to the bathroom, at which time more fishsticks began to fly around the room. So we get her cleaned up and PARENTING DENIAL kicks in again. Parents, you know what I'm talking about. You're tired, you want to go to bed, so you look at each other and say, Oh, it was probably just a one time thing, she's fine. Let's put her back to bed. She'll be fine. Then she pukes again and you start the whole process all over again.
What makes this story really funny is that my sister Linda who seriously does have the healthiest kids I've ever known, just texted me while I am writing this and told me her son is puking. Go figure.


Natasha said...

WOW I hope you guys all start feeling better. I can clean alot of things but not puke thats a dady job lol. Oh and on Tylers Cbsite I really didnt mean old well you know what I meant lol!!!!

Linda said...

Randy is in big time denial. After Dylan's horrible outburst of puke which was the conclusion of hours of moaning that his stomach hurt I put him in the spare room with a bowl. He refused to eat chicken noodle soup with his signature "Nope, I'm not going to eat it." Randy says he thinks it's a one time thing and he'll be fine now. I am calculating how many times I have heard people say the stomach flu is going around.

Kasey said...

We all know Em doesn't stop with just 8 fish sticks. LOL Hope everyone feels better.

Stephanie said...

I laughed so hard when I read your blog. One of our "sick" stories started with me waking up in the middle of the night with 2 big blue eyes standing over me and saying "Mommy, I feel like I'm gonna throw up." After Annie DIDN'T get sick and thought she was okay, I put her in bed between KC and me (why did I DO that??) Well, you guessed it. Middle of the night I heard a SPLAT and then heard KC say "Oh, crap!" Yep, she puked on her daddy. It was one of those moments I'll never forget. God works in mysterious ways, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh Michele! I just tried to read your blog to Chris and was laughing so hard I could barely speak and literally had tears coming out of my eyes! I am so sorry to laugh at your night of vomit despair! Allison just informed me she was laughing so hard she now has the hiccups! Thank you so much for keeping us entertained! Your blogs are funnier than any comic I have ever read. I had to start checking them at home so I could keep Chris updated too. Seriously, we hope everyone is feeling better!

The Haertling's
Chris, Amy, Allison, and Jackson

Anonymous said...

OMG! I laughed so hard at your blog, only to remember when Brooke had the stomach virus and Gary was home with LLL Pneumonia( left lower lobe) running a temp of 103.
Now for those of you who do not know Gary is my husband.Ya , enough on that. So 2 kids sick at the same time and one bigger then the other. My day and night was so much fun. NOT!!!
I hope you all are feeling better.
Even though I am a Nurse, puke is not my thing either. I was almost right in there with Brooke. But I figured when she could not stop and started turning colors one of us had to be strong.
Glad to know you have a strong system, woman usually do ( thats how God made us because he knew we had to take care of the men< and children)

Anonymous said...

Tim and I are laughing so hard because we can totally see that happening w/ our girls - right down to the "8" fishsticks.

We have a lot of puke stories - as you can imagine, but the one that stands out is two summers ago - I had Faith (13 months) & Abby (4 yrs) with me and was driving to St. Louis. We planned to spend the night with my Grandma and Abby had an eye doctor appointment in the morning. Somewhere between Perryville & St. Mary Faith starts throwing up in the back seat. There is nowhere to stop. So I get off the highway and call my dad - & he directed me to a convenience store. I have both girls with me and can't go into the store with a puking child to get any water - so I ask a man in the parking lot to wet a towel for me in the bathroom. I proceed to clean Faith and the car the best I can and started driving again. I drive on a two-lane road to Ste. Gen and find a grocery store & I get a thermometer to determine if Faith is running a fever and grabbed Abby a lunchable to eat. Just about the time that I think Faith is OK after eating a cracker she starts vomiting again - and again I clean up the child, the back seat, the car seats, etc. About this time I look in the front seat where I put Abby to eat while I cleaned and she has spilled soda all over the front seat. I determine at this point that the trip is most definitely not worth it - and decide to go home. That was the day I spent 4 hours in the car and didn't get any further than Ste. Gen!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure I have never laughed so hard about flying pukey fish sticks in my life! I think you could write for a living! You completely crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Michele you are so funny. I love reading your blog.


Anonymous said...

Michele you are so funny. I love reading your blog.


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is going to sound wierd :) but two of my kids ALWAYS puke after eating fishsticks! It took about 3-4 times of this happening for us to put it together. I did one final "test" fishsticks force feeding and yep, they puked. Google it, fishsticks allergy is a real thing...who knew!