Monday, May 11, 2009

Taking a Break

There were a lot of guesses about what Emily was doing in the picture. Kara was the closest guess! Emily was going to the moon, thus the helmet and oxygen tank strapped to her back. Clever.
I wanted to let everyone know I'm taking a break from blogging for awhile. I am suffering from a little bit of burnout and I need to take some time off. I'll be back though! Give me a couple of weeks and I'll be good as new.
See you soon!


cancerwarriormom said...

I understand . . . but will miss ya :-)

Linda said...

I will miss reading your tales but I understand.

Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Anita said...

That's exactly what you need to do, as I love to sew, but when it becomes more like a chore I have to break from it! I'll miss you until you're back! Anita :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,
Just wanted to let you know how inspiring you are. You really are amazing! Can't wait till you are back. Take care.