Tuesday, December 18, 2007

All I Want For Christmas...

Well, I know why people have been saying with surprise You Look Good! Because now I look sick. I hit a 2 on the tear scale this weekend when I realized just how bad I look. I have bags under my eyes, brown patches on my skin and my hair has taken on a new texture. I am still trying to figure out how chemo has given me a thousand more freckles than I already had. For the first time since this started, I realized what it's like to look sick. It's no fun. I got out the "Look Good...Feel Better" bag of cosmetics (remember those?) this morning in hopes of perking myself up. Then I called my hairdresser and she is going to work on my hair Thursday. I am perplexed over the hair thing. It reminds me of the story in the Bible where the widow had no food and she needed oil and flour and Elijah told her the oil and flour would not run dry. Every day I lose handfuls of hair but I still have plenty to spare.
I wanted to share an Emily story. I have told several people but I thought it was worth blogging about. Last week she hit a 3 on the tear scale and told me all she wants for Christmas is for me to feel better on Christmas. She said she wanted to tell Santa that's all she wants. Then she folded her little hands and said "Dear Jesus, please let Mommy feel better on Christmas". I did the only thing I could think of- I promised her I would feel great on Christmas! Now every night, she prays the same prayer. Then Megan brought home a letter she wrote at school, she had to write a letter to Jesus. So in the letter she said "maybe you'll make Mom better". Oh, it's such a heartbreaker!
I am going to physical therapy tomorrow. I have been having back pain. I know it's b/c I have been so inactive lately. I think I am out of alignment or something. I think I've spent too much time laying around! Otherwise, I feel pretty good. The only big problem this week is these darn nosebleeds. I have a chronic post-nasal drip from the chemo but it's all blood now. Tonight, Scott and I were eating and he said I think your nose is bleeding. How gross is that.
Ok, this turned out to be a long post. Thanks for reading my blog, I love all the comments. Kim and Carley, welcome back to the blog, I was worried about you!
Talk soon.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dear Michele,
If your reason for thinking you look bad is chemo , what is mine?
I to will also pray your feel good on Christmas.
Look at it this way , when you get to feeling better anything other then your nose is bleeding will be romantic. ha ha.
The prayers and the notes are precious. Your children love you very much, not to mention Scott.
Its down hill from here so hang on .
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Michelle - I'm trying to stop the tears right now from reading how Emily asked for her mom to feel better for Christmas. I pray that you are well and feeling good enough to enjoy Christmas with your family. How blessed you are to have such wonderful friends and family around you to help you through this every step of the way. Keep your chin up and remember that Jesus is still in the miracle business and hopefully he will have a miracle saved just for you. Merry Christmas, Tammy Allee

Unknown said...

It took me a couple of days to read this one and respond without the tear scale coming into play. I have been fairly teary-eyed this week also and when your kids say things like that it really gets you. My daughter called the other day and is struggling with this also with living so far away and not being able to be home for the first time at Christmas. We had a shared tear scale 5-6 moment on the phone. That was hard. Hang in there, we have so many blessings already in our life such as our families and friends that are always there for us and care so deeply. So many people don't have that. Anyway as far as the hair, mine started coming out this week, I am calling my hairdresser today to see if she can do something with it-I know I sure can't anymore. It feels like a bed of straw! I think I just need a total body makeover some days!!!
I continue to pray for you daily and for your family too. I did put you on the prayer request list in the chapel at St. John's Mercy the other day. I spoke briefly with one of the sisters and she prayed with me for both of us and our families.
Well this got a little long-sorry about that. Have fun getting the hair done and just enjoy the season this year. I know you are going to feel good, just as I know that I am! We are both strong and we will make it thru this! Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Oh-la-la! The hat is tres chic! - Amy H

vman1300 said...

I really dont know what to say....a childs Christmas wish. That just tears me up....

I will pray for a great CHRISTmas for you all to spend together.

