Monday, April 21, 2008

Enquiring Minds Want to Know...

I guess you could say that I was having a moment of panic when I cancelled my surgery. I wasn't ready and I wasn't sure it was the right decision. I have chosen a new gyno, which was a difficult decision after spending 13 years with my previous dr. I saw Dr. Pringle last week and he said the bleeding problem will not go away without intervention, to quote him- "the chemo fried my uterus". I asked him several times to reiterate this, I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. I feel much better now. So I will have gallbladder and ablation on May 19th.
We spent the weekend in St. Louis, Megan had a swim meet. She swam her heart out and came home with a 3rd, 2 5th and an 8th place ribbon. We are so proud of her. She has worked so hard! We stayed at the Drury Suite, which turned out to be an adventure. Megan was sleeping in the front room and at 4am she woke us up and said the fire alarm was going off and some man was telling us to get out. I thought she was in the middle of a crazy dream but no, it was real and we had to climb down 5 flights of stairs, all b/c some kid pulled the fire alarm. I was worried Emily would be completely traumatized by it but she was fine.
I secretly joined Facebook, hoping Scott wouldn't find out. I thought I could just delete any emails but no such luck. He caught me! So now he teases me about getting my Facebook fix, myspace just wasn't doin' it for ya' was it...
I need to get Emily to bed but before I do, I have a question for all you parents. I have noticed a few parenting tasks that I am embarrassed to admit I dislike. For example, and please don't judge me, I loathe taking my kids to the park. I find it very boring! I also don't enjoy bathtime and fixing breakfast (lunch and dinner don't bother me). So it's time to confess what you don't like. We all know we hate cleaning up vomit, wiping poopy butts, and watching endless Spongebob episodes, but what parenting task do you secretly wish you didn't have to do? Leave a comment and we'll see who has the most shocking confession! Amy Hume, I can't wait to hear
Ok, it's bedtime and that's one of my FAVORITE parenting I can get my Facebook fix without the guilt!


Anonymous said...

One of my least favorite parenting things was school conferences. They wanted to tell me mundane things..... like Carley threw yarn in art. I shocked them by saying I DON'T CARE and I hope you didn't wait long to tell me this earth shaking event. Now tell me how brilliant she is....Not the most popular PTA mom on the block. Now, Carley may still throw yarn now and then, but she is a GREAT kid and student. I am VERY lucky. We will check out your facebook. I have one, but I never update, but Carley is on quite a bit. You will have to check hers out.

Kim and Carley

Unknown said...

Hi Michele,
I suppose my least favorite parenting task was sitting around during ball practices, gymnastics, etc. etc. Very boring. Also doing fundraisers was right up there with practices. I would just rather write out a check instead of knocking on doors trying to sell wrapping paper or butter braids. I am glad those days are over!

Oh by the way, facebook is pretty cool too. You can tell Scott that I have both also and am so addicted to them it is crazy!


Natasha said...

Hey I have a new blog to share my experience with photography! I just posted a good picture!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele! I am with you on going to the park, bath time, and breakfast! Frankly, I do not cook breakfast. I am the queen of poptarts and cereal. I dislike the fact that parenting requires a schedule whether you want it or not. And I really do not like sleepovers (okay that one actually makes me sound like a terrible person but I am just never sure how to handle someone else's child and I get just plain cranky when I am ready to go to sleep). These things are why I watch The New Adventures of the Old Christine and In the Motherhood (on the internet). I figure I am at least a better mom than the moms on those shows. Of course that is completely illogical and stupid because those are just made up shows but I take my comfort moments where I can get them!
Kim Price

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I agree with the mom who listed fundraisers. We have fewer now that Carley is older and I opt out with a check whenever possible. My friends and co-workers (including your sister Donna) have been sooo supportive over the years. One other least favorite parenting moment is having to be both good cop and bad cop. As a single parent you have to be both cops...and have to make all the decisions. Hope you have a good week!

Kim and Carley

Anonymous said...

I know u asked Carley to b ur friend on Facebook. We had our prom this weekend and she has new pictures posted. You will have to check them out.

Kim and Carley

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I've read the comments and thought about this one. I haven't come up with much. I do not cook breakfast (and seldom lunch or supper!). I do not go to parent teacher conferences - yes, I know the teacher in me should, but I at least send a note back that says "I'm too busy and if they're not fine you can call me. Otherwise just send the stuff home." I don't do fundraisers - I just write a check to PTO each year. I don't mind sitting at practices and lessons - it is my only sitting time during the week. I actually didn't mind changing diapers. All of my kids were 3 before being toilet trained When going out to eat, I would much rather change a diaper after dinner than get up from the one meal I might get to eat hot to take a screaming kid the bathroom! Let's see...I also don't mind puke and poop. Weird, I know, I always make Pat look at it, which freaks him completely out. I don't do homework with my kids. I don't study spelling words or count clocks or any other dumb worksheet. (Yes, it's a good thing this isn't my blog or I would have parents and teacher friends alike stand up in rebellion.) I hate making or helping my kids clean their rooms - come to my house and you'll see the evidence. I hate drool and was blessed with a 3 and a half year old who still drools. I hate brushing their teeth. I've hardly ever brushed Jack Henry's - I've bribed and begged Carter to do it since Jack Henry could walk. I think that's about it for me. I don't really like going to the park either. It is boring. Next time, call me and we can alleviate both of our "mommy guilt" with company (we could walk from my house and I could bring the wine...) and it won't be so boring. Plus, my kids would have someone new to fight with! Whew a long one! Someone is crying. Better go - though I am beginning to see how typing your life to the world at large does make you feel better...connected somehow...
Amy H

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

Mine would have to be taking the girls to the bathroom all the time! My hubby never has to because we have 2 girls---no boys!
I also like to cook on my own but the girls love to help. I just wish I could do it by myself so the mess wouldn't be as bad!

Anonymous said...

Great question and boy am I feeling better reading all the comments. I hate play dates and birthday parties. I too do not feel comfortable with other people's children. I also know that the child will tell their parents how the play date went and you never know what will come out of their mouth. In this day and age you never know when something will be misinterpreted or made up. I sound paranoid but you can't be too careful. I also hate fundraisers and it only took three for me to start opting out. Once my kids were out of the baby stage I began disliking bath time. Thank goodness they can bathe on their own now.
Mom Tip: use the park as an opportunity to catch some sun and relax. I use it as my own relaxing time and bring a magazine. It is easy to pretend you are paying attention to every slide, bug, or sand castle and read a magazine.


Anonymous said...


I am so glad you did this! I am so hard on myself and have so much guilt for not liking to give baths (they are a nuisance) and cooking supper takes so much time out of my short evening. Diddo with everyone's opinion of fundraisers, and I hate barking orders at my kids to pick up after themselves so I normally give in and do it myself. I don't really mind sleep overs and play dates, it keeps the kids occupied, so I guess that is revealing that i get impatient playing games like hide and seek and Cinderella (as Allison calls it). On a positive note, I love going on walks, playing Old Maid, and memory match, going to the mall, and I really like the park, my kids are old enough I can get caught up on my reading. I will be praying for safe surgery for you, and be anxious to see how the gall bladder surgery goes, since I need to have mine taken out too.
Amy Haertling