Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Yesterday when I was typing my post, I noticed numerous "f"s on my screen. I thought my keyboard was broken b/c they just kept popping up by the dozens. Today I worked at my office and surprise- the "f"s just kept popping up there too. I then realized it was statistically impossible for both keyboards to be broken. My left index finger has apparently lost it's ability to perch above "f" without punching the key. Since I have no sensation in my fingers anyway, it's like talking without hearing yourself. I decided it's a good thing "u" does not sit under my right index finger!


John said...

I had that same problem with my kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

Oh. It lookkkkks likkkke it's still there. ;)

Did you/Have you tried any glutamine supplements for the neuropathy? Greg turned me on to it and I found both flavored and unflavored powders at the Vitamin Shoppe. Take 15grams, twice a day and the neuropathy can be beaten down. :)

The flavored stuff makes up a nice bottle like a sports drink and tastes good too. The unflavored stuff can go in other drinks or stirred into soups or cereal, even oatmeal. It does add a little grainy texture as it doesn't dissolve, but it is fine like powdered sugar so it's not too bad. Given the choice between numb fingers and toes or a little cloudy drinkkkkkkkkkkk...

I thinkkkk you kkkknow what I pickkkked. ;)

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

You are SOOOO funny! I hope you get the feeling in your fingers back soon!


Anonymous said...

Funny! Our F kind of sticks...so we tend to drop the f out of words unless we are paying attention. We balanace each other out. I leave them of and you add them in! Carley also laughed at ur blog.

Talk to you soon,
Kim and Carley

Anonymous said...

Too funny - I ,of course, had already thought of the u problem before I got to that part of the blog! Good news about the surgeries. I read in my too expensive magazine last week that navy or other dark blues are the in cool color for polish. News to me! Of course, this is the one that said a pair of $130 jeans were the perfect must have for your CHILD! right... Better go - still need to get ready for work! - Amy H