Thursday, March 27, 2008

The plural of the story is...

First of all, I want to say I am all wound up right now, so I may sound squirrelly! I have had an eventful 2 days. I saw Lillyhammer yesterday and my blood counts were normal, platelets just a little low, he told me not to bang my head against a concrete wall and I'd be fine... He also thinks the neuropathy will go away, he does not believe it is permanent. I have a hard time believing this but only time will tell if I will ever feel my feet again. He said my hands will come back before my feet. So there is hope that I will eventually be able to tie my shoes again and write legibly. My blood pressure was sky high but he thinks it was b/c I was nervous. I wasn't nervous, I've sat in that office so many times, how could I be nervous. Also, he thought my fatigue should be starting to get better, so he said if it doesn't improve in 2 weeks, he may have to give me something to pep me up. He is very understanding about how tiring it will be to lay on the beach for a week...
Today I saw Dr. McGinty, my surgeon. He is coordinating my gallbladder surgery with Dr. Uhls and it will be done on April 7th. I will have my gallbladder removed and an endometrial ablation. The gallbladder is supposed to be done laparoscopic but b/c of my colon surgery, there is a chance they may have to do it open. Please pray this doesn't happen. Our vacation is quickly approaching and if I have to have an open surgery, we will have to postpone it. Most importantly, I would have to take a month off work, and I just can't do that right now. I have missed so much work already.
Since I can't use the "chemo brain" excuse anymore, I need a new way to lay the blame. Yesterday, I was so mixed up in the head. I was at work and I kept calling animals by the wrong name and I mixed up the Dora characters names. Then last night, I made a really big blunder. I was lecturing Megan about something, I was all serious and then I said "and the plural of the story is...". Megan thought that was hilarious. I think we have coined a new phrase.
I have so much to do right now, I feel overwhelmed.
Gotta go, Emily is crying.


Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath and know God is in control, just let him have it.
Prayers will be said and as always if we can do anything just call us.
talk later,

vman1300 said...

So glad you are doing well and no required surgery. I have been on L-Glutamine powder since the start of chemo, I have only experience cold tingling and it goes away very quick.
It can be bought at GNC, might want to give it a try.

Stay strong my friend!



Anonymous said...

Let's just call it "Mom Brain." I think we could all use an excuse from time to timejjlllllllllllll - J's and L's by Jack Henry - now I have to let Caroline push a c - ccccccccccccccccccccccc - see what I mean about Mom Brain!? I couldn't have planned it any better! Happy week! - Amy H