Friday, March 14, 2008

Where's Michele?

Hey everybody!! This is Kasey, Michele wasnte to let everyone that she wont be chatting for awhile. Michele hasnt been feeling well this week so Scott took her to the ER earlier today and she has been admitted to the hospital---at first the Dr's thought that she either had a blood clot or that the cancer had spread. In Michele's words though "Good News--I have pneumonia. Not exactly good news in general but good news that she didnt have a blood clot or that her cancer had spread. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prayers are with you Michele, I also spent a another night in the hospital (St. Francis this time cause we couldn't make it to St. John's). I couldn't breath, extreme chest pain, my oncologist thought I was having a heart attack. After many tests all which are normal and another CT scan-they determined I am having pain from the clots which are now dissolved and we found out that the chemo is probably causing some chest spasms. I am on a continual pain patch now and doing somewhat better although not perfect. I hope you are getting better too. This cancer journey is rough, but we are getting thru it day to day! Hang in there girl
