Monday, March 31, 2008

Day Full of Surprises

Surprise Surprise! My surgery is now cancelled/postponed. I was having second thoughts about the ablation and for a variety of reasons that I cannot post here, I have cancelled it. I have also postponed the gallbladder surgery until mid to late May. I did see Dr. Bieser today, who is my general practioner. I trust his judgement and he is also the one that I credit with saving my life b/c he insisted last year on the colonoscopy. He is an incredibly good doctor. He and I talked for a long time and so now I get a breather from all this medical stuff for awhile. Vacation here we come! I am so ready to get a pedicure, still trying to decide what color to choose. If you have been reading my blog from the beginning, you will know how important it is for me to get the "right" color. Send your suggestions! I had planned on Gallbladder Green but now that can wait (just kidding).
So I was so stressed today and I even hit a 6 on the tear scale but then the mood lightened when we took our cat to the vet. Jasmine came to us about a year ago as a stray and we took her to the vet today b/c she got into yet another fight this weekend and mangled her face. And to our surprise we found out Jasmine is not a Jasmine, she is a JazzMAN. Yes, that's right- she is a he! A neutered he! The girls and I laughed so hard over this. I was going to change it to Jasper but Megan thought of Jazz-Man and so that's the new name.
Here's a pet peeve I discovered this weekend. When I see someone for the first time in a gazillion years and they pretend they don't know I've been sick but they ask me five times "but how are you really doing", it makes me mad. Either ask about the cancer or accept that I don't feel like telling you. Oh and when you tilt your head, I know you've already heard. The head tilt gives it away. Picture it: [Head tilt] "but how are you REALLY doing?"
Thanks for reading my blog, I still feel the need to be connected to all my friends. If I haven't heard from you in awhile, post a comment just to say hello, I'm still here. Scott says he can see how much I enjoy staying connected. I love you all!
Take care,


suzy allee said...

Michele, I laughed so hard at the cat story about Jasmine turning out to be Jazz-Man. It's a hoot, and actually it is a fine name for him! I am so glad to hear you are able to postpone your surgery. I feel like you need some time to heal and get your strength back before tackling it. I don't know what an endometrial ablation is, but I'm sure I wouldn't want to have one. I am so happy for you guys that you are getting to take the big vacation to the Outer Banks. I would love to be there myself! So, you're ready for a pedicure, huh? (I am still undergoing treatment to try and get rid of my fungus -- just can't get it to go away. I also had to have surgery on one side of the toenail, which was caused by the fungus lifting the nail away from the bed in the center and pushing it down on the sides.) I have faith that some day I can actually get a pedicure again. I am not telling you this to frighten you or discourage you. I just want a bit of sympathy for my dumb toe!!! Anyway, my favorite color is a deep burgundy red. I can't remember what it is called, but I love it -- and some day I will have it again! Do you think Spring will ever get here? We just have cold and rain all the time. If we ever have it a bit warmer, that just means we are going to have severe weather. It's so cool all the time that I can't even get Spring Fever and long to plant flowers! Everyone is fine here. Hope all your family is too, especially baby Declan. Love, Suzy

P.S. My mom's 80th birthday is April 16. I'm sure she would enjoy a card if you have time. Could you tell Marilyn about it too please? I don't know what we're going to do yet, maybe just a family bar-b-que or something. Mom doesn't like big parties.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break! I hope you have the best vacation ever. I am glad you want to stay connected, because we like keeping up with you and your bunch. I vote for Vacation Violet for your toes.....not crazy about purple, but at least it rhymes. Can't wait for you to post some vacation pictures. The cat story is hilarious. We had a similar experience when I was young with a chicken when Henryetta the hen turned into a VERY aggressive Rodney the didnt end well. Hope to hear from you soon.

Kim and Carley

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we continue to pray for you everyday. Just because your treatments are over doesn't mean that everything is just back to "normal" again. What is normal anyway? I am sure it is really difficult for you to grasp that right now. I am so excited about your vacation-you guys deserve it and so much more. I keep meaning to drop you line and apologize for not making it to your girl's night out---my grandma ended up in ER that afternoon and now the Monticello House. Anyway, I would love to get together for lunch or dinner or something sometime. I really miss you-life is just so crazy sometimes and I haven't been through anything like your last year. Just know that I am thinking of and praying for you! Have a great vacation!!!! I am so glad that you don't have to have more surgery right now-your body really does need a break. Oh nail colors-my personal favorites-"I'm Not Really a Waitress" (dark opalescent red) and "A-Rose at Dawn...Broke by Noon" (medium opalescent pink) both by OPI. Enjoy and Take Care! Amy Sparks

vman1300 said...

Jazz-MAN!!!!!Bahahahahah....Very funny. Glad to see you are doing well.



Anonymous said...

Your pet peeve struck a chord with me, I feel the same way about people asking about Kailee... They dance around it, we can all see she's in a wheelchair, either ask about it or don't. It's so refreshing when someone just asks, "what's her disability" or "why is she in a wheelchair." Even doctors at the ER were dancing around it (it's the best analogy for me) saying "so....what's her... uh... medical history...? when all they wanted to know was why she can't walk! Just try to let it roll off your back, they just don't know how to talk about it, or what to say- if you think about it, they are just being overly sensitive to your feelings, as irritating as it is!
You may have already said, but where is vacation? I'm super happy you can get away!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your vacation, You-Scott and the girls deserve it. you all have been through alot.
I second your pet peeve . that is one of mine to., just come out and ask what your wanting to know or don't.
Have a great time and I say paint every toe nail a different color. its time to let your hair down.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! Your vacation is going to be so great. I say you find the brightest color they have in the salon for your pedicure. I usually stay away from anything that sparkles but I think something sparkly might just be perfect for your upcoming vacation! Thank you for keeping us all informed and connected with your blog.
- Kim Price

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't realize I was so far behind on your blog. I don't have a cutesy name to associate to your vacation but I got pink chiffon by opi right before we went into the hospital. It is my new favorite nail color. It isn't too pink but great for the beach. Thanks for sharing our caring bridge site to everyone.

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to say hello to remind you everyone continues to think of you and praying that you are doing great. I don't blame you for postponing the gallbladder surgery. Go and have the most enjoyable vacation you have ever had! Believe me - vacations take on a whole new wonderful meaning!!! Just remember you DO have to come back no matter how hard you want to stay gone on vacation. That is always the hard part. I just prefer to vacation all the time. :)

One last thing - I completely understand the "I am sorry for you head tilt". It always bugged me too. Now I look funny when talking to people who are going through a rough time - I find myself holding my neck stiffly so I don't do it!

Many blessings,