Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mission From God

Just wanted to mention that Port Chop has settled down and is no longer bothering me. I guess he was just cranky.
I have decided to write a book called "The Lazy Mom's Guide to Raising Children". I have discovered several techniques for spending "quality" time with my children, without leaving the couch. Emily and I invented a game called "Around the World". We sit on the couch, I "drive" us all over the world, and when we get to our destination, she hops off the couch and pretends to be there. I sit in the car and watch. Last week, I took things even further and thought, how can I play while actually laying on the couch (I was too tired to sit up). So I said OK, Emily- I'm the baby, you be my mommy. We got about 20 min entertainment out of that. She fed me, changed my diaper, burped me. She thought it was hilarious! Amy Hume, I challenge you to top that one.
It's my tradition every year to buy Christmas ornaments that reflect the year's events. For example, when Megan joined the swim team, I bought her a swim ornament. Scott always gets a fishing ornament and Emily always gets a pig ornament. If we travel, we buy a souvenir ornament. So my point is- where am I going to find an ornament that reflects my year. Will it be a giant colon, a pork chop, or how about some butt cheeks (Megan likes to giggle about my "butt cancer").
The main reason I'm posting tonight is to tell you about something that happened today that was really incredible. God had a mission for me today and believe it or not, the mission was "go to the mall". I don't know why I went, I didn't even want to go, but I knew I needed to. So when I got there, I saw a friend in the mall having what appeared to be a serious conversation with someone. Her friend had just told her she had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. When I walked up, she introduced me and you can imagine what it was like to meet someone else who is close to my age with colon cancer and lives 5 minutes away. She is just 2 weeks post-op and she said she had no idea why she went to the mall either. We are both Stage III. We talked for a really long time. What an amazing experience for the both of us.
Thanks for listening.


Anonymous said...

Michelle I LOVE reading your blog! Not only does it make me laugh to what the girls say and do, but it also gives me an inside look to what I don't see when I'm there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, I cannot tell you how glad I am that something kept telling me to go to the mall today also. God definately had a direction for both of us and what is even more amazing is that I went to another store after I met you to talk to another friend and she introduced me to someone I used to work with for several years that is only 3 years out of treatment for guess what-colon cancer and she is not much older than I am. Talk about prayers being answered. I had spent the better part of yesterday morning crying, praying and feeling hopeless. I asked God for direction, patience, strength, understanding, and support and look what happened today. We were meant to meet. I have sat here reading your blogs tonight and have cried, laughed (at your kids) and learned much from your writings. You have inspired me to blog now also and I cannot wait to get started. Thank you for talking with me and helping me to understand this disease and treatments. I will keep in touch with you.

Anonymous said...

God never ceases to amaze us, does He?! He is so big we can't even fathom it. And it is so awesome we He reveals to us that He really does have a plan for even the smallest things in life. Michele, as awful as this is for you at times, God does have a plan. I know you know that too. He is and will continue to bless you through this storm. To God be the Glory as you (and others) TRIUMPH over this disease! I love you girl! You have no idea how many people you are touching through this! Keep the faith! -Amy Sparks

John said...

Remember this, Michele. It's part of the REASON this happened to you (to us both). I know the feeling of wondering why, asking, out loud even... and in anger too. So do not forget this! You got to see WHY! And that's awesome if you're asking me. :)

And dare I say it, look out for more. I've learned He's like that. hehehe ;)

Anonymous said...


Becky W.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you shared your story. I really needed to hear that today!

Do you think you could drive me somewhere far, far away from here? I've had one of those weeks...........

Pam A.

Anonymous said...

OK - yeah - I can't top that one. However, the teacher in me is so proud of you! What a way to work on sequencing, dramatic play, self-help skills, language... the list goes on! And all from the comfort of your couch! Perhaps I should requisition a tiny couch for my half-classroom? Your couch learning must me working. Emily told me this week with great feeling (but only once) "I miss you." She is such a great kid!

Back to you - What an amazing mall story! Do you sometimes feel like you are on an after school special and someone forgot to tell you? As hard as it is to watch you struggle through cancer, it is as amazing to watch you grow. I am proud of you every time I read your words. Hold on your humor and your faith. Hugs and prayers, Amy Hume

vman1300 said...

Awsome post Michele. God works in so many ways. By listening to that still small voice both of you recieved a great blessing!



Anonymous said...

I have often wondered why this happened to such a wonderful and loving family., as you know Brooke would rather have it then you.
It seems to me we all go trough things for a reason, sometimes we never find out why, but I can envision you speaking with others and helping them by blessing their lives.
The mall, how cool God knows women love to shop and talk.
Hope today was a good day for you. I saw meagan and school and she said today is mommys chemo day.
she and emmy are such great kids.
Scott, well he is ok to...
We will have to get together soon.
Love ya and pray for ya and yours all the time.