Friday, August 15, 2008


Well, I'm really glad it's Friday, it has been an eventful week. A bit of good news, we were wrong about our deductible on the car, it's only $500. Only $500! Listen to me, like that's a bargain or something. The reality of it must have set in for Scott but first let me back up. Scott never yells at me or gets really mad at my antics. I've talked about that before. He has a different way of dealing with things- he uses his TOOLS. So yesterday, he snuck outside and "fixed" my car- with epoxy glue and a bolt. I am not kidding. He proudly proclaimed it was not necessary to pay to get the car fixed, he did it himself. He feels much better but I don't. I am not going to drive around in a car that is glued together. Scott has a lot of quirks, some of them don't bother me, some do. For example, the toilet seat thing doesn't bother me but I go crazy if he doesn't hang up his towel. He teases me b/c I have a system for everything but he won't follow the system, you know like the towel system, the laundry system, etc. I have discovered that even though I know him, I will never understand him. Like on the rare occasion I send him grocery shopping, he will always come home with a can of bread crumbs. I have never understood it, but I know he will always come home, take them out of the bag, hold them up and tell me what he wants to use them for. At one time, we had about 6 cans in the cabinet and I decided to throw them out b/c I thought they would be stale then I realized, aren't bread crumbs already stale? How do you know when to throw out bread crumbs. Is it like Opposite Day, when you open the can and they smell like fresh baked bread, you say Oops, time to throw these out.
Ok, so I told my Mom that I wanted a set of sheets for my birthday last month. We only have 1 (cheap) set and it's hard to change them and get them washed before bedtime. So she buys us some fancy ones, 2 sets actually. They are 450 thread count and if you know sheets, you know 450's are heavenly. I have never owned a set of 450's and I was so excited to tell Scott about them. He had no clue about 450's, thread count, etc. So we have been joking every night about how we have moved up in the world b/c we are sleeping on 450's. Last night Emily crawled in our bed and said she had a tummyache. To which I said Don't bromit on my 450's! (we use the phrase "my baby bromitted", long story, inside joke). Scott said Oh if my baby bromits on these sheets, it'll just slide right off. Well, our baby brommitted on the sheets at 3 in the morning and it wasn't pretty! Luckily I declared we had a spare set of 450's so I went back to sleep and Scott stayed up all night with our brommitting baby.
So you can see why it's been a crazy week. Feel free to leave a comment about your spouse's weird quirks so I'll feel better about being married to someone who loves bread crumbs.


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at the bread crumbs. Joe says I have a "theme" every time I go shopping. When I come hope he asks what the "theme" was. Initially I was shocked but when he pointed out I had purchased 8 boxes of cereal or 6 bags of chips, I understood. I now notice the "theme" but it doesn't stop me. I usually buy ketchup too--we usually have about 5 bottles to spare. But ketchup is like toilet paper, you just don't want to run out. Thanks for the laugh.

Kasey said...

I can totally see Scott out there fixing your car with epoxy. I told you just to super glue it and all would be fine.

Lisa said...

I don't understand my husband's relationship with the dishwasher. Once it runs, it must be emptied...immediately, if not sooner. Clean dishes do not sit in a dishwasher in his presence. This is great! I'm not complaining AT ALL! My confusion comes from his reluctance to actually turn the thing on. He can squeeze in a plate between the last 2 vacant prongs, stuff his fork into a silverware basket, and rearrange the top shelf to add one more glass, only to close the door, and walk away without adding soap or pressing the start button.

I just don't understand.

Unknown said...

Michele I know I have over 30 pairs of flipflops and my daughter has I bet at least 50. It's crazy, I love flip flops. It is all they wear down here so I fit right in.

Anonymous said...

My wonderful husbands thing is he always, always has to come home from the store with green beans. NO Kidding. I am not complaining , at least he does the shopping.
We need to give Scott a glue award. yea Scott, at least the thought was in it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry the above message about green beans is from Twylia

Anonymous said...

I would love some 450's! I just asked for sheets for my anniversary. Embarassing to admit, but we have the same 2 sets that Pat bought when we got engaged... Amy H