Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have a dream...

Is it terrible that I sometimes dream of what I'm going to do when my kids grow up and leave me? I love my kids, I really do but...lately I find myself sitting around thinking of all the things I'll have the freedom to do in, oh...about 12 years.
A few weeks ago I thought I would torture myself and sign up for email updates from the Fox Theatre in St. Louis, just so I'll know what shows I'm actually missing. Every semester, SEMO sends me informative brochures- informing me of what shows I'm not able to see at the River Campus. And of course I always check the movie listings to see which movies I won't be seeing. This weekend I went to the movie store and browsed all the movies I cannot watch in front of the kids and I'm too tired to stay up and watch after they go to bed. Sometimes I browse the 1000 photos I have thrown in boxes, just to remind myself that I won't be organizing them anytime soon. Sometimes I send my kids to school with a fever, just so the school nurse can call and tell me I have to leave work once again to fetch my sick child. If I'm really dreaming, I take a moment to check the balance in the bank account, just in case I forgot what I spent on the kids this month. But if I'm really desperate, I just take a look around the house to remind myself of how much space is filled with toys, school papers, backpacks, and FurReal Pets. Just in case I forgot.
So tonight, tell me what you dream of doing when your children grow up. Or if your children are grown, remind me of what you do to fill all that time.


Kasey said...

I don't have any children of my own but I know what my mom does with her spare time. She a.) spends it talking to me on the phone or hanging out with me b.) spends it catching up with old friends on facebook c.) took up sewing and makes beautiful curtains and pillows for every room in the house or d.) goes shopping.
But the one she really does is talk to me. For not getting along we are really close (AND WE LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE!!)

Linda said...
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Linda said...

I have a dream of walking through the house naked...oh wait...that is my husband's dream.

Anonymous said...

I don't really have any dreams for when my children get older, I charish every moment with them, even the business due to having a teenager and a 9 year old, one day I will turn around and miss it all.
I love Linda's comment, that is all to funny ( and true here as well)
seize the moment , It only happens once.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

My husband has great dreams of life without kids at home...I, on the other hand, would like to have 1 (or 2...or 3) more. That way, if I space it right, I'll have grandchildren about the time the last one goes off on his own.