First on the list is this cool bag I picked up at Kohls around Christmastime. It comes folded and snapped up and fits easily into your purse...
Bring it to the store, unsnap it and use it in place of those NON-snazzy plastic bags...
While you're sittin' around, pleased about saving a plastic bag, take a sip from one of my favorite things to drink from- a Tervis Tumbler. Like the PedEgg, the Tervis Tumbler was a gift from my sister-in-law, Jenni. (She really knows how to pick out gifts). Don't know what a Tervis Tumbler is? Check out this link. My tumblers have dragonflies inside. This really creeps Emily out but I think they're gorgeous.
Finally, Emily wants to tell you about one of her favorite products. This was the first time I ever downloaded a video and I could not figure out how to turn the picture, so please tilt your head and let the show begin...
Finally, Emily wants to tell you about one of her favorite products. This was the first time I ever downloaded a video and I could not figure out how to turn the picture, so please tilt your head and let the show begin...
What are some of YOUR favorite things?
My blog is getting a makeover soon. I need a new title. Any ideas?
Emily, I love Mrs. Butterworth's too. And, the Dad at my house REALLY loves her - lots!
Hey Michelle, I am so glad your surgery went well!!! Just letting you know we were thinking of you and my boys love you so very much.
See you Thursday...(peanut loves u 2)hee hee
Yeah I'm thinking of changing my blog around as well. Time for a new title since the hard part is over. Maybe "Rotorhead is Awesome" or something similarly subtle.
I am dying for a new title..nothing has come to mind! Why is this sooo hard!
Leaving a note to let you know of one of my favorite things. Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Videos. They are great!! You can walk up to five miles in front of your TV and I promise you get a really good workout! ~Kelli Hamm
HAHA I love Em's video! I can't wait to spend 2 1/2 days with her and Megs!
thats too cute Emily!!!! I love the video
Oh my gosh, I totally laughed out loud about "I'm so much better than the other brands!" :) Emily, you are right. I put sugar free Mrs. Butterworth's on my multigrain eggos every morning! There are a lot of happy memories involving syrup in my family actually...My Grandma used to make the Mrs. Butterworth's bottle talk to me and my sister...and when my mom was little, she thought Aunt Jemima looked like her Aunt Tene. (Aunt Tene was white, they just both had happy smiles).
I like your eco-bag Michelle! I use ones from Schnucks, Target & Save-A-Lot. I like the idea of having one I could fold up and put in my purse, because as I start to enter Schnucks I always see the "Did you remember your reusable shopping bags?" sign on the door and have to say, "Poop! No, I didn't!" and go back to the car and get them out of the trunk.
That was adorable! I agree with Emily! One of my new favorite things is the Mad Housewife Merlot. It is inexpensive and oh so good!
I love Emilys video. I see an acting career for her!!
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