Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What happens

This is what happens when you own a multitude of cats and you run out of cat food...but you happen to have 3 cans of tuna in the pantry.

This is what happens when you run out of tuna and you have one more hungry cat...and you happen to have some leftover spaghetti from supper...

This is what happens when you have a daughter that loves to write and has so much talent...

This is what happens when... need a nap but your daughter beats you to the couch.


amyaj said...

That couch thing happens to me too!

Anonymous said...

Wow, give me more info on Megan? So is the picture going to be by her articles? when will she write her first one?
I am just glad your cats outnumber our dogs!

Anita said...

Oh, to be able to just crash like Emily did. That looked like it was a wonderful nap! and that Megan! I'm so proud of her! I don't know the whole story though. I totally noticed the earrings too! You'll have to share more! :) hugs, Anita

Scribbit said...

At least the cats weren't nibbling her as she slept :)