Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fish Tales

My worst nightmare come true...murder by exercise. Did you see this story?
I always knew exercise was dangerous...that's why I've been avoiding it for years.

Here is Emily begging for a pet fish this week....
Here I am, telling her no a thousand times... (before you feel sorry for Emily, please remember we own 5 cats, 1 dog and a lizard)

Picture us at someone's office. Emily says Mommy look at that beautiful fish tank. In fact, it was beautiful and I oohed and awed over it.

Picture Emily saying "Mommy just think of all the positive things that can happen when you own a fish".
I'll be making a trip to Petco this week.
My kids aren't spoiled.
NOT mine.


Anonymous said...

How could anyone resist that face? I'm ready to go buy her a fish right now!

Rotorhead said...

Ummm. there's just so much wrong with that MSNBC piece, I just don't know where to start. Transgender geriatric pool exercise murder? Michele, you are certainly braching out in some interesting directions...

Natasha said...

My kids wanted a hamster so i got it for them and now the poor thing never gets played w/ maybe we should i have gotten a fish instead!!! I cant wait for it to warm up so I can get some pictures of those beautiful girls of yours!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you get a fish yet?

Jin said...

I love the photos to go with the story- so comical!