Monday, March 23, 2009

I did NOT...

I do NOT suspect Megan is faking illness to get out of school. She would NEVER do that. Not my daughter. She did not talk cheerfully on the phone to me and then when I asked how she was feeling, her voice did NOT suddenly deteriorate. She did NOT send me a text that said "Can I have chocolate. It might make my chest feel better".

I did NOT sneak over to Kohls today to see the clearance racks. Upon seeing a cute sweater on clearance for $4, I did not buy 1 in every color- gray, black, brown, green, purple and blue.

Never in a million years would I bribe Emily with french fries. Especially when we had an important meeting at the bank. She did NOT sit on the floor of the bank office, eating fries and suckers. She did NOT take the sucker stick and announce in a sultry voice, "I'm smoking". That would be way too embarrassing.

I did NOT win this plastic goat from my friend Stephanie Saturday night. That would never happen b/c who would buy a plastic goat for a party favor?And who would announce that all the party favors were new except one, and that one was an item she no longer wanted. NOT my friend Stephanie!

Please tell me what you have NOT done lately, just so I'll feel better!


Anonymous said...

I did NOT check the comments on my blog five times today because I've become addicted to the feedback. I know I DIDN'T do that.

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

I DID not watch DVR shows all night last night only getting up to pee and eat a quick bite. I DID not let the new dog chew on a shoe and my underwear only to keep her quiet so I wouldnt' be disturbed from my t.v. watching.