Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Take the Bull by the Horns

If you read this post, you probably have an idea about how marriage works in our household. You could say we've got a good thing goin'. But sometimes this happens...

You might be surprised to know what causes us to lock horns. I'm not talking about fighting over money (or the lack thereof), fighting over division of household chores, or anything as simple as how to discipline the kids. Not us! Our horns lock up when our kids get sick. That's right. The first sign of a sick kid and the horns begin to protrude from our head and we begin stomping and snorting. The issue? Who will stay home with the sick kid.
There's no Policy & Procedure Manual for who stays home. We both begin to rapidly list all the things we have to do at work, how hard it will be to miss, how we will have to rearrange things, the list goes on and on between us. It really comes down to this- Whose job is more important? Some days, my job is more important. Other days, especially in the spring, Scott's job is way more important. But sometimes we have to lock our horns and see who comes out a winner.
Sometimes it's just a matter of logistics. If you are a parent in a multi-child home, here's how the conversation goes: Ok, you take ___, I'll take___, I'll pick ___ up at ___, then come home at ___, and then you can ___ and then I'll ___ until 5 and then you can ___ until 7. Sound familiar?
Now it's your turn to tell me something that causes you to lock horns with someone. It could be your spouse, your child or maybe your own parent! I'll pick the most creative answer and the winner gets a $10 Target gift card!
I can't wait to see your answers!


Mrs. Dirnberger said...

When I am hungry...I get evil!!! I usually start locking horns with Nate about silly things, laundry, dishes..things I usually wouldnt' care about but I am hungry. If you feed me fast. I am fine!

I wrote you down for a shirt, I just knew you would want one, I jsut need to know a size?? Do the girls want on?? I can't get kids sizes but smalls fit most kids?

Linda said...

We butt heads when it comes to choosing meal plans. We are on the same page lately. I have never heard of a man complaining about meals that are 100% prepared and placed in front of him each night but my husband does. We have had some good fights about it as you can imagine.

Jin said...

Since Kraig and I don't live together, there isn't a consistent issue that makes us 'lock horns.' But I can tell you one issue we have been unable to resolve...

Kids and animals. I may want more kids. He wants to move on to the next stage of life and just raise the kids we have. He also thinks one of us should be 'sterilized.' (Too much information?) The deal I made with him is that I would be the one to go through with the procedure - i think its easier for women these days - if I can get another DOG! He doesn't think I need anymore living things to take care of- be it dog, human or goldfish.

Obviously I want a Target gift card, but if I don't win that at least tell me I should be able to get another dog if it means I give up having any more babies!

Anonymous said...

BTW - Jin way deserves the dog! In my experience, think long and hard about the sterilization....

My husband and I lock horns over food - not how/when it's prepared, but its "quality." He is a sucker for brand names. I can list his "have to's": Bunny Bread, Campbells soup, Prarie Farms sour cream, Bush's baked Beans, Coke, Lipton tea, Brooke's chili beans, Maul's sweet and tangy bbq sauce, this list goes on and on and on and on and on... He has said many a curse word over bread that has been "mashed" on the way home from the store. (note: you or I would never be able to detect its "mashedness," but apparently he has some super human ability to do so.)

Shoot! I'll have to tell you the stuffing story and give you "my side" after the school concert I am off to...

Anonymous said...

OK - the rest of the story. I, being more respectful of our family's resources, try to save a little money from time to time by buying store brands or off brands. The incident that illustrates this discrepancy in our outlook on brand v. no brand occurred one Thanksgiving about 4 years ago...

I left to buy some soup to make his FAMOUS CORNBREAD DRESSING. He was frustrated that I had not accomplished this earlier in the week. He was frustrated that I had not borrowed his sister's crock pot earlier in the week. (I could go on here about the percentage of "unaccounted for time" we each have, but you can guess...)

I go to the store and buy off brand soup. He complains... uses it anyway... cusses the creation... calls it --- --- and ---- ---- ---- and not worth eating. He goes on and on (loudly) about how horrible it is and cannot be served to anyone. I walked by the big (ceramic) bowl and promptly pushed into the floor. It wasn't a pretty moment for either of us. He did clean up the (huge) mess. I don't buy cheap soup anymore. This compromise has worked for us since.

Judy's Love For Glen said...

I get the complaint when I buy off brand foods too! I want to say, "just be thankful you have food and be quiet". haha.
What is making us lock horns right now is that my husband has lost his job after 19 years of service. Seems to be happening to a lot of people around us as well.
I am saying, "we conserve!". He is saying, "don't worry honey".
Check out my blog if you have time. It's about my brother Glen - stage 4 colon cancer. Thanks