Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My new cancer cohorts...Recycle Charlie, Ms. CancerBreath and Mr. Scruffy

Sorry that last post was so sad, I really needed to talk about it though.
Round 9 did not go so well. It was all fine until I got home, then I got really sick with fever, violent chills, nausea and overall just felt worse than ever. I was a little worried about this round b/c I felt so sick all weekend. Then yesterday, before we left, Scott and I had a rare, semi-heated discussion about something. I cried a 4 until I got to the Cancer Building, then I hit a 9! I was hysterical. Dr. Lilly was so worried about me. He talked with me until I calmed down. Of course, when I walked into the chemo room, guess who was sitting there??? Recycle Charlie, the environmentally friendly guy who recycles all of his stories multiple times. I told the nurses I couldn't sit in there and the private rooms were full. So they took me to an exam room and Dr. Lilly talked with me and then he pow-wowed with Scott privately. Scott told him about the baby funeral and then our neighbor died of cancer also this weekend and I have been working a lot...Apparently he gave Scott the option of cancelling chemo for the day but Scott said no, he thought I needed it and he requested Dr. Lilly not ask me b/c he knew I would say no. I think Scott made the right decision. I thought it was interesting that Dr. Lilly told Scott that taking the week off Chemo over Christmas was probably harder on me in the long run.
When Charlie was done, they brought me in and hooked me up. I got to talk with a new friend I met last month, I felt bad at first b/c I didn't recognize her without hair. She's really nice. In between us was an older lady who obviously is suffering much worse chemo brain than me. Nice but delirious. I did find out how she discovered her cancer- her dog smelled her breath, didn't like it and she knew she had pancreatic cancer. I'm not making this up. This is the story she told. I'll just refer to her as Ms. CancerBreath. Then Mr. Scruffy (that's what I have nicknamed him, whew he's REALLY scruffy), came in and sat beside me and proceded to cough up a lung all over my bottled water. Gross, I had to throw it away. Luckily, he was just there for a quick shot.
I was able to get up a little while last evening and boy did I eat! I have never eaten on chemo day, but I pigged out. I am up right now b/c all my meds have worn off. Luckily, I can sleep all day Tuesday if I want.
Time to get some more sleep. Maybe a quick snack will help...


Anonymous said...

I had no idea about all of this, you can give me a call anytime to vent. I am so sorry, Is there anything I can do?
Just know you are always on my mind and in my prayers. Scott and the girls as well.
You are an overcomer, and will work through all of this as well.
Need anything, let me know.
Lol ,

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers.

Becky W.

vman1300 said...

As always, you are in our prayers daily. I can relate to a bad chemo, my last was horrendous. Keep your head up and fight my friend.



Anonymous said...

((((BIG HUG!!!))))

Lisa H

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having such a rotten week. I can't imagine how hard it is to loose a student - you get very close to the little guys and feel like they belong to you too! I'm sure the family appreciated all you did to help them - I know we do.

Remember you are not expected to be at 100% all the time - some days you can give 110% - and some days only 10% or less and THAT IS OK. Don't be so hard on yourself - you are only human and you have had a lot on your plate lately.

Hang in there - tomorrow is another day. The sun will come up, things will work out, you will feel better. I have faith.

Love, Pam A.

Anonymous said...

I was up late last night too. I don't get on the home computer much because like your Wal-Martian sisters(Linda excluded), I type all day long....but alas, I over slept this morning and I can't blame it on chemo brain.....I also left my keys stuck in the trunk of my car all day long....again, no chemo brain to blame it on. Carley and I hope you were able to rest today and that your week gets better! We are thinking about you.

Kim and Carley

Anonymous said...