Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Take the med and go to bed...

I am slowly emerging from Round 8. I can't believe how well it has gone, I'm tired but not sick. Can you believe I only have 4 rounds left! When I got my pump off today, I thought Hey, I can do this 4 more times. I know I can. I have a new motto for how to get thru this- "Take the med and go to bed". Works every time.
Last night, the girls were bored so I resorted back to the theory of how to entertain them from a reclining position. So I had them get some projects they got for Christmas and set them up while I worked from my director's chair (aka the bed). It really works! They were happy as could be.
I forgot to mention that my food cravings have taken a new turn. Now it's onions. Sonic onion rings, onion blossoms, onion petals, yum. I can't get enough. Scott is trying to perfect his onion blossom method, just for me. Have I mentioned how wonderful he has been to me? I couldn't ask for anything better. He has been so patient with me throughout this whole ordeal. In other words, he has spoiled me rotten! I love him so much!
Not much else to report so I will go. Getting tired again.
Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you! I'll keep praying for a great four more rounds. Amy H

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are doing well, I have been thinking of you often this week. Just gotta tell you this cause it is so funny-I am craving onions too. We made homeade onion rings tonight for supper and they were soooo good. I have been doing good also-just have to get over this cold I have but it has been steadily getting better each day. I sure don't want to have to delay any rounds-#4 next week. I just keep counting down the days! Take care and hope to talk with you soon.


suzy allee said...

Hi Michele! Wow, 2/3 of the stuff finished! Whoopee! I'm so glad this round is going better. --And I know you are a great mom, even from your bed. I'm glad to hear such a good report on Scott, but it doesn't surprise me. He knows he's got a good thing in you!
I've got to run. It's back to school tomorrow. I think the longer break they give us, the harder it is to go back. Oh, well, soon I will be back in the swing of things. We had a great Christmas. Hope you guys did too. Happy New Year! Love you guys, Suzy
p.s. Tammy & Craig went to Dallas for the Cotton Bowl. Can you believe it? I know they had a great time.

Kasey said...

I'm so glad that you're doing good. Only 4 left? You can do this!!

Anonymous said...

Mom, I love you.Feel better soon

Anonymous said...

That's the spirit!I can't believe you've only got four left!Keep going and stay strong!

Anonymous said...
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