Monday, September 17, 2007

Numbing cream(no) Bigger Needle(yes)

So far, so good! I have had the most minimal side effects so far. Everything went well, with one exception. My nurse said Numbing cream? Nah, you don't need that...
Port Chop is still medium rare (raw, red and tender) so it was painful to have the special needle inserted. Unfortunately, my incision lies right on top of point of entry, so the first stick didn't work. The nurse yells Hey I need a bigger needle over here! I almost came unglued. So then she had to put in the bigger needle, there was a lot of pushing, poking and prodding. Blood was spurting out. I almost passed out. The nurse seemed a little surprised that the incision lies over the point of entry, but at least next time they will be prepared, and Port Chop will be medium well done.
Chemo on weekends is not going to happen, for a variety of reasons. I'll try to explain. While I'm at Southeast, I get a cocktail of 3 drugs for 2 hours. Then I use a pump from OptionCare that will deliver 1 of the meds for 46 more hours. Don't take offense if you are reading this and you work for OptionCare. I'm not bashing them. But they don't do weekends, unless there is a problem. They weren't real accomodating. I'm not too disappointed anyway. Who wants to spend their weekends hooked up? It would be better to do it while the girls are in school and I can rest better. Speaking of hooked up, this thing is heavy. It doesn't work well as a fanny pack. Right now, I am wearing it like a purse across my neck. Hence, we have chosen the name Percy. Percy wouldn't do well at church anyway b/c he is noisy. Every 2 minutes he reminds me he's still there by making a clicking/whirring noise.
About the side effects: So far I feel fine. Remember when I said I couldn't drink cold beverages. Well, our tap water is too cold. I took a drink when I came home and realized a cactus had sprouted in my throat! Ouch! So then I tried a handful of cashews and I was immediately taken back to the 80's when pop rocks were the rage. My jaw was full of pop rocks! Later, with chemo not on my mind, I find myself fixing a bowl of shredded wheat and milk. Then I thought OMG, I can't eat this! Shredded wheat and cold milk- I might as well swallow knives in the circus!
Thanks for listening!
Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

OMG! You look so cute in your pink hat!!! We will take this one step at a time and thank God you made it through today with few bumps in the road. Speaking of bumps...what are you going to do about your car?

Anonymous said...

Michele, I just caught up on all the entries I missed. You just crack me up!!! I love your blog. I am so glad to get confirmation that all the prayers are working. We know God hears us, still it is reassuring to get confirmation of answered prayer!!!
I LOVE the hat. She did a great job.
Those girls will definetly keep you on your toes. cobwebs and imaginary pigs. haha
got to run, back to work for me. Donna