Monday, August 13, 2007

Can't sleep...

It's 4:30 in the morning and I have given up on sleep. I have been up most of the night, in the bathroom. There are 2 things about colon cancer that are not fun, clear liquid diets and colon preps. Yuck.
It has been so nice having my family here. My 3 sisters are so supportive and of course, what would I do without my parents. I am worried about how Emily will cope with me being gone. Last night she begged me not to go. I said I have a booboo in my belly that the dr. has to fix. She said "Mommy, I love you just the way you are". It breaks my heart to leave her, as you all know, we do everything we can to keep her world very structured so it makes me sad to upset her routine. Megan is at the question age, she freaked a little when she read the booklet about colon surgery. She keeps saying Mom this is so gross. Of course, this is coming from a child who neutered a cat at vet camp this summer. If I were an animal, she wouldn't think twice about any of it!
Scott is under strict orders to provide everyone with updates this week. So, I will close now, thanks for all the support. I never knew so many people cared about me.


Mary Harriet Talbut said...

I can just hear Megan making the comment about all of this being gross and your thoughts about if you were an animal there would be no problem. FYI, it doesn't get any better, when they get older. Riley couldn't stand in line next to me when I was buying underwear the other day! :)

I keep praying!

Mary Harriet

Kelley said...

The kids' comments are so precious. I hope things are going okay for both of them. It's hard to have to take care of yourself first instead of always taking care of them first. You're all in our thoughts and prayers. I'm glad the surgery went better than expected. --Kelley