Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day Four with No Food

Michele and Scott received devastating news today…the cancer did spread into a lymph node. After many tears we all pulled ourselves together to talk about next steps. Southeast has a new Oncologist starting tomorrow. Michele’s doctor made a call and got the Oncologist to see her on his first day to begin preparing for additional testing and her treatments which will start after her six week recovery from Monday’s surgery. The cancer team spoke very highly of the new Oncologist. You may have seen him on the local news talking about his view on cancer recovery fatigue. His belief is exercise is best instead of staying sedentary during your recovery…Michele thought she had the best excuse in the world to cancel her gym membership. Michele had a couple visitors today which lifted her spirits when she really needed it. She isn’t ready to talk to many people about it; she needs a few more days to absorb the information and all that is ahead of her. She made great strides in physical recovery today. She was unhooked from everything but the IV and was able to shower tonight. She has a much greater appreciation for her infant patients that use a ng tube. She had hers in for two and a half days and disliked every moment. She is walking frequently and sitting up most of the day. She reached day four without food and once the ng tube came out she began feeling hungry. She resorted to begging for any kind of food by 7pm today. Tomorrow she will get jello to eat. It isn't bread but it will do. The girls' visit to the hospital today was again a highlight for Michele. Our prayer requests are for getting the best care for Michele and pray that her doctor has the wisdom to treat her. We also ask that you pray for Scott and the girls.

Thank you for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Prayers continue to go up. Personally, I've started praying to St. Peregrine the patron saint of Cancer patients. I don't know if you have heard of St. Peregrine but here is a short version of his story:A victim of a spreading cancer in his foot, Peregrine was scheduled for an amputation. The night before the operation, he spent in prayer; that night received a vision of Christ who healed him with a touch. The next morning, Peregrine found his cancer completely healed.

I can't imagine what Scott and Michele and all of you are going through right now. Just know that you have a lot of us out here praying. As you all know pray changes things!!
Love and prayers,

Kim Bunger

Anonymous said...

prayers are a girls and her families best friend, in time of need God is always their for us. We will continue to pray for all of you, whatever we may do please please let us know, our hearts go out to you.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

We are continuing to pray for you and your family. Stay strong and let others help you whenever possible.
With love and prayers,
Rick and Kim Price

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know that we are praying for you, scott and the girls. I know that you are strong and I know that God is with you and will help you and your family pull through this. You are a wonderful caring person that a lot of people already miss seeing you on a weekly basis. If we can do anything to help please let me know.
We love you and God bless,
Cathlin Hayes