Monday, August 27, 2007

Scott's anchor

If your husband loves boats as much as mine, you will appreciate this story. I now have an 8 inch vertical scar on my abdomen that runs all the way to my c-section scar. The c-section scar is shaped like a smile. So my boat-loving husband revealed to me this weekend that he thinks it's really cool to have a wife that bears a permanent anchor engraved on her stomach. I'm so proud I could give him this constant reminder of where he would rather be!

Now on to some frequently asked q's, these tend to be what everyone wants to know but are afraid to ask, so I'll just clear the air.
1.Do we have insurance? YES. Even though we are both self-employed, we are not completely irresponsible, haha. We have very good insurance.
2.Did I have to have a colostomy bag? NO. 10 inches of my colon was removed and then re-attached and is working fine, which brings me to #3: What were the initial symptoms and have they gone away? Severe constipation and yes, things are in working order again.
4.Can you email me privately, without it being posted on the blog? YES. If you click on the envelope icon, it will email me privately. Clicking on "comment" will leave a post for everyone to read. My email is Also, if you leave a public comment, I cannot respond to it privately if I don't already have your email address.
Thanks and have a great week!

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