Saturday, August 11, 2007

"The Last Supper"

Today was a good day, I felt better than I have in weeks, I even had an appetite. I ate more than I have in weeks. Everyone wanted to know what I wanted for my "Last Supper" since this is my last day to eat. Tomorrow I start my clear liquid diet in preparation for surgery and I've been told it will be days and days before I get to eat again. So anyway, I chose a pulled pork/cole slaw sandwich. Delicious! And my sister Donna has been feeding me chocolate chip cookies all weekend.
Ok, so everyone has asked how all this started. I will tell you that things just kinda stopped working, so to speak. It was a sudden onset, so I knew something was wrong. Of course, this is NOT something I wanted to bring up, I didn't even tell Scott for a month. In retrospect, he says he knew something was wrong, I haven't been myself all summer. I have also lost weight b/c I just haven't been hungry, I have had a lot of nausea, feeling of fullness and lower back pain. So I went to the doctor, horrified to discuss the problem but desperate for a cure. My doctor was concerned enough to recommend a colonoscopy so he called GI and got me in quick. I had the test on Tuesday evening, before we left the nurse came in and said it looks like cancer. The doc called Wed and said yes, it is cancer, go see a surgeon TOMORROW. So by Thursday, I had surgery scheduled for Monday. My entire life has changed since Wed. Anyone that has ever been told they have cancer will know what I mean. There are lots of "firsts", as in the first time I said "I have colon cancer" (Cathlin, I believe that was when you called), the first time I had to write it down on yet another medical form; it still doesn't feel real. I looked in the mirror and thought how odd to know something so bad is growing inside of me. Today, Father Dave called and he is going to annoint me after church tomorrow.
The girls are handling things ok. Having a house full of company has been a little stressful on Emily, she said today she didn't like all the noise. She thinks everyone is here for a party, she keeps saying we're having a party. Megan knew something was wrong when she found out everyone was coming, she said suspiciously, Mom why is everyone coming here. On a lighter note, Megan asked if I will get to keep the piece of colon they are removing. When I said NO, she said "Mom, I would just ask if I could keep it and then I would frame it on the wall!"
Gotta go. Talk to you later.

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