Monday, August 13, 2007

Successful Surgery

Hi Everyone! Michele's surgery was a success and went smoothely. The doctor was very pleased and only had to remove 10 inches of her colon. He was very optimistic that the cancerous polyp was smaller (only dime size) than he originally thought. He said it didn't look like it had spread to the lymph nodes but we will know for sure on Wednesday. He checked out her liver and said it was fine. The other area Michele was concerned with was the cysts on her ovaries. The doctor broke them up and said she is fine in that area as well. We sat with her for a while after recovery while Scott held her hand. She is having a lot of pain. Our prayer requests for her is that the pain won't last long and won't be too much to handle. Also that the results on Wednesday will confirm that the cancer has not spread. Michele has really enjoyed reading the comments from everyone. We plan on printing them off and reading them to her throughout her stay in the hospital this week. Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts. On behaf of Michele's extended family we can't express enough how much we appreciate your support.

Sisters in life & prayer,
Linda, Donna, and Carol


Tammy Allee said...

THANK GOD for a successful surgery. Sounds like everything went well. Michele - we continue to pray for you and your family. Let others help you out so you can concentrate on getting well and recovering. Take care!

~Craig, Tammy, Christopher & Randy Allee

Anonymous said...

Yay Michele! I'm so glad to know that surgery went well and I'll continue to pray that Wednsday's relults are good. I hope the pain subsides soon.

I need to know where and when to bring dinner on Friday if someone can email me at Thanks! -Amy Franklin

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear that the surgery was a success! We will continue to pray for more good news on Wednesday. Michele - make sure to get plenty of rest and take all the pain medication that they offer you!

-- Rick, Kim & Claudia Price

Anonymous said...

Prayer works! I am so happy that your surgery went so well. Sorry to hear about your pain, I'm hoping that will start to ease. Angie Logel and I will be at your house around 4:00 tomorrow with a food delivery that will cover both Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope you can rest this evening. Take care! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...


Thought about you all day while I was at work hoping and praying that all was going successful with you today. I will continue to pray through Wednesday that your news will be of great hope and relief that surgery took care of it all! Remember all we talked about and keep that positive attitude and spirit! Shawna

Anonymous said...

Michele, I am so glad to hear that things went well today. We continue to pray for your health, a speedy recovery, and more good news on Wednesday. -Angie Logel

Anonymous said...


I am so happy to hear that everything went well today and I will be praying that everything comes out well on Wednesday.

I've read all of your blog entries and I have to say that you are very brave! But, you are a mom, and that is your job. I love Megan's idea of framing your colan! Can you imagine? It would be quite a conversation piece! Maybe you could auction it off on Ebay - people will buy anything these days! lol...

My parents send thier love and prayers. Keep being brave and don't lose your sense of humor.

Love Kellie
p.s. I hope Donna is making those cookies from scratch! lol...

Mary Harriet Talbut said...

I am glad you are doing better. I do like the selling of the colon on ebay idea. It isn't any worse than some of the other stuff they sell. Maybe there could be a bidding war!--mhtalbut

Anonymous said...


Hang in there - take the meds! I'll continue to pray for all of you. I am so happy and relieved and hopeful that the initial news is good! God is good! Hugs to you all. - Amy Hume

Anonymous said...

We are so happy about the sucess of the surgery. We will still be praying for good news Wed. ,for min. pain during recovery and for the girls. Take very good care of yourself and try to stay positive you have a lot of people pulling for you.
April McClintock

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you did great! I'm sure you're on your way to a speedy recovery, my prayers are with you!
Dana at Disability

Anonymous said...

Michele, We're so happy your surgery went well, and we hope the pain subsides soon. We'll continue to pray that you get good news on Wednesday. You are definitely in our thoughts and prayers - hang tough!
K.C., Stephanie and Annie Martin

Anonymous said...

Michele--Ditto to what everyone else has said! If someone is coordinating a meal drop, please let me know when I can help and where to drop food

Take care--you and your family are in my prayers. Lisa Shirley

Anonymous said...

Michele, so glad your surgery went well. You, Scott and the girls are in our thoughts and prayers.

Rose, Rob, Noah and Jordan Huff

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear that the surgery went well! You and your family are in my prayers.

Christy Huff

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am very thankful to hear your surgery went well and that you are surrounded by people who love and support you. We're all here if you need us. Just let us know how we can help.

Lisa Cole
Cape DDS

Anonymous said...

Michele and family,

I am really glad surgery went well!! I plan on stopping in Friday if u will still be there. So I hope to see ya soon. Take care we love and miss ya!!!

The Barlow Family!

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you and praying for all of you. Kathleen sends special greetings to Megan. Glad you are getting up and around. Don't forget how many folks are behind you with lots of care, concern, and support! Thanks for the blog updates. We will keep checking on you.
~Florence Harold and family