Saturday, August 25, 2007

Toe movements???

I did waaaay too much yesterday and boy, did I pay the price. Yesterday, I ran errands for a couple of hours, then took Megan to a birthday party; I was bored and wanted to get out of the house. Then last night, I couldn't sleep, I had a lot of pain all over, I was miserable! I am having one of those days where I really wish this cancer had chosen to set up shop in my big toe, instead of my colon. It would have made things a lot simpler, they could have just cut it off and I could have gone on with my life, minus a toe. No one would ask "have you had a toe movement", "what is the consistency of your toe movements", "call us if you don't have a toe movement in 3 days".
I am here alone with both girls this morning. Scott had to work. Before he left, he gave me strict orders to "let Emily have whatever she wants", to avoid any problems. I have been surprised at how well Emily has handled everything in the past 2 weeks, but last night all her anxiety came out. She kept begging me not to go to the hospital or the doctor, she kept saying it over and over, she was really upset. She is absolutely terrified I will have to go back in the hospital and she thinks if I go to the doctor, he will put me in the hospital. I feel sorry for her. In case you are shaking your head, saying I wish there was something I could do, there actually is. Her new "thing" (and if you know Emily, you know she goes through these "things"), she loves to cut dogs out of magazines. It has become an obsession, but I am out of magazines with dogs. If you have any laying around your house you would be willing to donate, she would love it. She likes to sit with me and cut them out. It makes her so happy!
Megan is doing great since she started school this week. Can you believe 2 boys have already expressed interest in her (as only 8 year old boys can do)??? It's so cute, and she is secretly enjoying it! As you know, she reads everything, she even read my booklet about "Colon Surgery". Last night UPS dropped off a book I ordered about cancer, Scott immediately had to say "Megan don't be reading that", she said I want a cancer book to read. Luckily, I ordered one that addresses q's kids have about cancer.
Ok, this was a long post, I feel better now, this blog is very therapeutic!


Anonymous said...

Tell Megan I am sending Uncle Ray to talk to any and all boys that show an interest in her. She is tooo young!!
It will be too funny the next time I am in a meeting and someone mentions 'movement', and I bust out laughing! the word has a whole new meaning to me now. haha
Great thinking on the book for Megan. I will be on the look out for dog magazines.
Keep up the blog. we love it.

Anonymous said...

Your blog spot was sent to me by one of our fellow 3rd grade moms and I have been reading and praying for all of you. I will send some magazines for Emily to cut. I can send them to school with Jack and he can give them to Megan. Please take it easy and know there are many prayers being sent up for you and your precious family.
Mary, Jim and Jack Essner