Sunday, August 19, 2007

Flowers, staples and burgers...

I am enjoying an hour of solitude this morning. Scott took the girls to church. Emily wanted to know why I wasn't going. My mind is still foggy so the only reason I could give was Well, I can't go, I still have staples in my belly. So Emily says Mommy are you not allowed to have staples in church?
I wanted to tell you, I became somewhat of a legend at Southeast this week, with all the flowers and visitors. One nurse said she had never seen anyone get so many flowers. It became a joke that when someone came in my room, they would always say It smells like a flower shop in here. We started laughing every time someone would say it. By Friday, I had so many visitors and visits from the floral shop, apparently when yet another visitor came, the front desk attendant said with a sigh Oh, I don't even have to look that one up, it's Room 516!
Emily now has a new food jag, thanks to her Uncle Ray who came to town this week. I am sad to say he introduced her (and I mean introduced b/c never would I allow it) to White Castle. She is now hooked. She would beg him to take her back, which he kept doing b/c he too is hooked and he thought the whole thing was hilarious. Apparently, Megan sat in the backseat at the White Castle drive thru, shaking her head repeating "heart attack in a sack, you guys are gonna regret this". Ray has left town and we are considering telling Emily that without Ray's business, the place had to close down. Anyone who knows Emily, knows how vicious her food jags are, and right now you are shaking your head, saying Oh, man, that's bad...
Amy Hume, stop laughing, I can hear you from across town...
Ok, a quick update on me, I get my staples out Wed and I see the oncologist on the 30th. He will set up PET scans, to see if anything bad shows up somewhere else. We know I have some bad cells floating around, since we found them in the lymph nodes, but they will be too tiny to pick up on scans, but the scans will show us any larger spots. Sometime in the next month, I will also have a medi-port surgically placed in my subclavian so I won't have to get poked so much, all my veins are already blown. The chemo will go in there too. I will get chemo every 2 weeks for 6 months, each injection will take 48 hours, I will go to Southeast to have it turned on, go home and go back 48 hours later to have it turned off. A few things that scare me so bad, they take my breath away are: getting the results of the PET scans and having the initial injection of chemo. So direct your prayers that way. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

hey baby,
it was nice to see you and emmy yesterday, your family is really nice. you are blessed to have such a great family. be sure to put the fries in the cup. Ha! Ha! God will not give us more then we can handle even though sometimes it feels pretty dang heavy. just hand it to him and leave it there. easier said then done i know. many blessings be on you and yours.
love ya ,

Hey I rather have your cancer than you have it and you suffering. I try to make a differace in people lives. When I grow up I want to teach people with special needs. Thank You.(This is sooo cool e-mailing people on line!) I will talk to you later. Tell everybody I said Hi. Oh, also Emily is not the only one loving fries. My brother, Paul loves McDonalds fries! -Brooke

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. We're still praying. Your on my mind often so I just stop what I'm doing and pray for you. Besides everyone praying here a friend of mine in N.C. has all her friends praying too and my mom in Kansas has people praying too. I'll tell you more about that later. I had to laugh about the White Castle thing and Emily. She cracks me up. I got to actually talk with her on Friday morning and let me tell you she is a joy. I've known that about Megan for a long time now but hadn't had the pleasure to see more of Emily then in Church.
I'm so glad you're home and doing well if you need me just call or e-mail ( and I'll get back to you.

Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...


You are still in my prayers. Hang in there! I am looking forward to seeing Emily this week!
Angie Logel

Anonymous said...

Glad you're home finally. Saw Scott and the girls at church this morning, he said you were doing pretty well. Let me know if you need anything else. I'm off every Wednesday and Friday now. We're still praying that your chemo goes as well as possible with few side effects. Doesn't it feel good to have a shower in your own bathroom?! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Of course I was laughing very hard - had to be sure not to wake my family! I'm thinking I better go get a few to keep in the fridge for "emergency use only." :) There are worse things than White Castle....not many coming to mind right now... maybe Necco wafers!

About you - hang in. We're praying and always ready to help out. Don't hesitate to call.

Amy H