Thursday, August 9, 2007

Surgery on Monday

I have created this blog so everyone can keep updated on how things are going. As you know by now, I have been diagnosed with colon cancer. It all happened very fast! Surgery is set for Monday. I will write more details later. Right now, I am still in shock and I have a house full of company. I know most of you are wondering how it all happened. I will get to that, I promise. Please say a prayer. I will be at Southeast Hospital bright and early Monday morning; we should know by next Wed whether the cancer is in my lymph nodes. I will have to stay 5-7 days and I will be off work about a month. Yesterday, my family jumped in the car and came to help me out. They are awesome. My brain is in overdrive, I have so much to get done before Monday! Everyone has asked what can I do? I will tell you, just pray! And who knows, I may need some help with the girls at some point, they are starting school soon and it's hard to have 2 kids in 2 different schools. Right now I feel okay but that will change next week!!! Thanks for all the offers of help. I have quickly realized how much support I have! By the way, Scott will be posting while I am in the hospital.

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