Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Look Good...Feel Worse

Tonight I went to a program at Southeast Hospital called Look Good...Feel Better, sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It was a beauty seminar for chemo patients. As I walked in, I felt so ridiculous, I couldn't believe I was there. I kept thinking I didn't belong, why am I here- but of course, I did belong. I felt like I was dreaming a bad dream!
4/8 of us were colon cancer patients. Although I probably won't go bald, it looks like my hair will get really thin, that's what the other women said. That's b/c my chemo is different than what breast cancer patients get. So, I will probably get it cut really short, like the other women suggested.
We did get lots of free makeup-the expensive kind. All the beauty companies donate their products. Even though it's a great program and I learned some things, I think I felt worse when I left. Or maybe it was just PMS getting the best of me.
My cousin is a professional photographer, so he took family pictures this weekend. I figured I better get it done now. When he posts them on his site, I will let you know how to access.
I will post again Thursday, after I see the oncologist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine what it must have felt like walking into that room. You could spin this time off recovering as your Cancer Vacation and think about how much you can get done or at least make lists for someone else to do it for you! Take care, talk to you soon.